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The heart as a musical instrument

Published by uniweb on April 6, 2023

Image of the event

05/06/2023 at 4:00 p.m.

Carrer Chapel, Rodez

I am going to create a “medico-musical” concert called: CONCERTO POUR UN COEUR on May 4, 5 and 6 at 9 p.m. at the Paraire chapel in Rodez.

This concert will feature the human heart of Carole (my friend, suffering from cancer and being treated at the Montpellier University Hospital): add sound to it and project it onto a giant screen to give it a dimension never before explored: THE HEART AS A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT IN ITS OWN OWN RIGHT.

It will be played and interpreted by renowned cardiologist Jean-Pierre HOUPPE: first HEARTIST thanks to a Doppler echocardiograph.

The heart will dialogue with the artists Zélie AUCLIN on jaw harp, Marion LEPELLETIER on Transviola, Eric DEVOS on percussion; Michel RAJI at the dance of the breath and Christophe DEROO reciting.

This technical and artistic challenge leads the viewer to delve into their inner world thanks to Carole's heart which will reveal to us the intimacy of her heart.

The HEART: a muscle, an intelligence; a breath that gives us life.

It is through this concert that the artists will dialogue through improvisation with Carole's heart but also the whole heart of the audience in order to give it a new breath of life.

In addition to this event, we will have the chance to have a conference on “The Intelligence of the Heart” by cardiologist Jean-Pierre Houppe on Saturday, May 6 at 4 p.m.

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