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Exercises, illnesses and injuries

Posted by Cyril Grither on June 5, 2023

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If you are sick

If you have a fever, it is recommended not to exercise. Give your body time to rest and recover. Once you are no longer sick, you can return to your exercise program. Wait at least 48 hours after the fever has gone before trying again.

Woman on bed restNever try to get rid of a fever by sweating. Fever and exercise don't go hand in hand. Indeed, this combination risks worsening the infection, or even causing a potentially fatal problem of the heart muscle called “myocarditis”.

If you exercise while sick, your body will have to work harder than when you are healthy.

If you have unusual symptoms

It is important to know which sensations are normal and which are not normal to experience during exercise. It is not normal to feel pain. When you don't feel like you usually do, stop. If you think you have a problem, seek help.

You will need to reduce the duration and intensity of activity when you start exercising again after an illness.

What is normalWhat is worrying
Increased heart rateChest pain or sensation
discomfort radiating down the arm Heaviness in the chest New episode of arrhythmia
Deep breathingExtreme shortness of breath when doing light or moderate activity
Acceleration of breathingWheezing Inability to catch your breath
SweatDizziness Nausea Extreme fatigue Numbness Any pain

Learn to treat minor injuries quickly

“Rest, ice, pressure and elevation” method

Keep the injured area at rest. The amount of rest depends on the severity of the injury. For most minor injuries, it is safe and, in fact, beneficial to continue doing light activities.

Ice trayApply ice to the injury. Cold helps reduce swelling, bleeding and pain. Do not apply ice directly to the skin. Wrap it in a wet towel or use an ice pack. As a general rule, you should apply the ice for 15 minutes, then wait 45 minutes. Repeat this process for the first 3 hours after sustaining the injury, after which 2 x 15 minute ice treatments per day will be sufficient. Do not apply heat for the first 24 to 36 hours as it tends to increase swelling.

Compression or light pressure using the ice pack helps limit swelling. Apply pressure evenly by wrapping the injured area in an elastic bandage. Do not tighten the bandage too tightly to avoid cutting off blood circulation. If the bandage is too tight, if you feel numbness, cramping or pain, or if the swelling gets worse, re-bandage.

Raise the injured area above heart level, even while you sleep. Gravity prevents the buildup of blood and other fluids, stimulates blood circulation and reduces swelling.

See a doctor immediately in the following cases:

  • The pain is severe or the swelling is significant;
  • You cannot move the injured area;
  • The injury does not seem to be improving;
  • Home treatment did not give any results after a while.

If in doubt, do not take risks and consult a doctor.

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