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The association


The appearance of a chronic illness, such as Heart Failure, lack of knowledge of medical treatment and difficulties in assessing analysis results, often cause concern or even psychological rejection of the pathology.

ASPIC aims to support patients, help improve the quality of life of patients and their loved ones, make them aware of participating in therapeutic education modules to understand the disease, better manage treatments and adopt an appropriate lifestyle, and finally gradually accept their pathology. Therapeutic education also makes it possible to learn the dietary rules and to recognize the signs of Heart Failure to better take charge of oneself, in particular by knowing how to control the “symptoms” in a simple way: the pulse, checking the swelling of the ankles, the weight….

The ASPIC has no competence in therapeutic matters and will not provide medical advice under the sole medical authority...

The ASPIC listens to patients and their loved ones for any information relating to the Heart Failure disease (information, contact, membership, etc.) and participates in meetings led by doctors specializing in Heart Failure, to communicate on the difficulties encountered by patients.

Our associative project is an ideal common to Heart Failure with a desire to ensure regular and sustainable operation for the same purpose: improving the quality of life of patients and their loved ones.

The association's resources consist mainly of membership fees and subscriptions, subsidies from public bodies and private partners.

The weight and influence of our association will be measured by its number of members and volunteers, come join us and give your opinion by returning the membership form.

Our goal : Mutual aid, friendship and support between patients with heart failure and their loved ones, by:

  • Developing the role of patients in therapeutic education (patient experts).
  • Promoting exercise rehabilitation, insufficiently used in this pathology.
  • Improving patient monitoring through the e-health system.
  • Informing patients and their families of therapeutic possibilities in the field of heart failure and offering them the necessary support in the face of their illness.
  • Working to improve the quality of life of patients and their families.
  • Facilitating the development of information and communication, particularly on the consequences of Heart Failure, for a better understanding of the difficulties experienced by patients affected by it.
  • Helping to train families and their loved ones.
  • Improving relationships between healthcare workers and patients.
  • Acting with Public Authorities to defend and improve the rights of people with heart failure.
  • Acting with nutrition professionals to put on the market products low in salt and/or free of fats harmful to cardiovascular diseases.
  • Informing about the symptoms of heart failure to encourage consultation as soon as possible.
  • Creating discussion groups, particularly on the association's website, allowing patients and their loved ones to express their experiences and their difficulties.


Attention : the association has no competence in therapeutic matters and will not provide medical advice which could incur its liability.

Mr Hervé WIARD

Mrs Laurence BARRERE

Mr Pierre OUSSET

IT and communication

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